~Silverstream's Sandbox Wikia

~Silverstream ~Silverstream 21 October 2016

Visionarium Proposal

Tim: (looks down) there's..... been something I've been meaning to ask you

Nina: And, what's that?

Tim: do you remember when we where in new York.... and I told you there was something I wanted to ask you before that robot showed up?

Nina: *nods quickly* yeah?

Tim: do.... you know what I was going to say?

Nina: I... Think I have a pretty good idea... But say it anyway *smirks slightly*

Tim: ....ok (gets down on one knee) Miss Nina Eileen.... will you marry me?

Nina: *tears up* yes... Yes Timothy Keegan, I will!

Tim: (stands up and kisses her) (whispers) it would've been weird if i was a girl when i asked anyways (smirks slightly)

Nina: *giggles* a little... God I love you...

Tim: (hugs her) we.... may need to go to earth for it

Nina: What, no marriag…

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~Silverstream ~Silverstream 9 October 2016

Fighting the Golden Glider

11:02 ~Silverstream Kara: *in civilian clothes, waits on the roof of CatCo building* 11:03 To Bluetopia Winn: (walks onto roof from staircase) Kara, Hey... what's up? 11:04 ~Silverstream I have an absolutely ginormous favor to ask you.... 11:05 To Bluetopia (nods) sure, anything.... 11:12 ~Silverstream

  • nods and takes a deep breath* Lisa Snart, also know as the Golden Glider, is the sister of a super bad-guy named Captain Cold, she's a former ice-skater, who ran into a nasty incident with a gun that turns things into gold, which gave her the exact same abilities, plus she can fly, and she doesn't belong in this city, and the fastest man on earth, called The Flash, made a promise to her super bad-guy brother that he'd keep her safe, even thou…
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~Silverstream ~Silverstream 9 October 2016

Meet Georgi

9:43 To Bluetopia A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far Far Away.... 9:46 ~Silverstream Georgi: *waving to crowd at the end of her concert* THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! AND REMEMBER, DON'T BE THAT PERSON TO SHOOT FIRST... Seriously, don't *chuckles and begins walking off stage* 9:46 To Bluetopia BB-V: (follows her off stage, continually chirping and beeping) 9:48 ~Silverstream

  • touches the top of BB-V's head affectionately* Come on, I could use some chilling-out... *walks to backstage room, letting BB in first*

9:49 To Bluetopia (rolls into room, settles into corner. Replays audio of clapping through speaker) 9:51 ~Silverstream

  • chuckles and sits in front of mirror* You really get a kick out of that, don't you? *sips water*

9:51 To Bluetopia (beeps back in …

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~Silverstream ~Silverstream 8 October 2016

Visionarium Finale

Visionarium Finale

6:17 To Bluetopia Timekeeper: (sitting by steps of time machine controls, in thinking pose) 6:20 ~Silverstream 9-Eye: *hovers over beside him* Heyyyy there.... 6:21 To Bluetopia (looks over) ....Hi.... you may've noticed my unusual demeanour... well i can explain it... if... your interested 6:22 ~Silverstream WELL, I got nothin' better to do...... But in all seriousness.... What's gotcha so down, tinsel-head? 6:23 To Bluetopia well.... ever since "for the good of the universe" we put that girl in another universe, I've been having dreams.... of us.... just... it wasnt us meeting, but it wasn't how we first met.... 6:24 ~Silverstream Oh.... Well, how'd we meet in the dreams? 6:26 To Bluetopia there's been variations. Us me…

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~Silverstream ~Silverstream 8 October 2016


Batman: (checks backseat of Batmobile where joker is secured and puts finger to communicator) Alfred, the Joker is secure, I'm en-route to Arkham (walks to front of Batmobile, and opens drivers seat door) 8:39 ~Silverstream Harley: *standing a small distance away, with her bat at the ready* OHHHH, B-MAAAAN! 8:40 To Bluetopia (looks around and scowls) ....Quinn 8:42 ~Silverstream Well well... *walks closer* Looks like someone's being naughty, just takin' my Puddin' from me! I don't take kindly to that, THANK YA VERY MUCH! *leaps past him, on top of the Batmobile* COME ON BATS, COME AN' GET ME! 8:43 To Bluetopia Get down. I don't want to have to hurt you.... 8:45 ~Silverstream Yeaaaaah... That ain't gonna happen. BONSAI! *jumps atop his shou…

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~Silverstream ~Silverstream 8 October 2016

New Year

9:58 To Bluetopia Lex: (sitting in armchair by fire, eyes closed, thinking about days events) 10:00 ~Silverstream Mercy: *silently enters room, and sets the usual pills and drink on table, then immediately turns to leave* 10:00 To Bluetopia I... have a question 10:01 ~Silverstream

  • pauses and turns to him* ...Yes?

10:02 To Bluetopia (opens eyes and looks at her) do you believe your actions today were proper? you aren't my Mother... you certainly Aren't my girlfriend... 10:07 ~Silverstream I'm entirely aware I am neither one of those things. But nonetheless, I want to look out for you. *takes a deep breath* Believe it or not, that's what I was doing tonight... 10:08 To Bluetopia Yes, leaving me alone with someone i despise? Pray Tell, what did…

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~Silverstream ~Silverstream 8 October 2016


8:01 ~Silverstream Iris: *sits at her computer in the kitchen, focused and busily typing* 8:02 To Bluetopia Barry: (slowly opens door to house, creeps in and closes door not to attract attention) 8:03 ~Silverstream

  • doesn't bother to look up* Welcome home, where ya been?

8:04 To Bluetopia Erm..... ouuuuut drinking... with some of the guys from the station... (nonchalant tone) 8:05 ~Silverstream Iiiiiiis that right? *turns around and looks at him* 8:07 To Bluetopia (leans on wall) Mhm..... you know.... guys at the station, crazy..... and I thought being a Forensic Scientist had some insane moments (goes to walk upstairs) 8:08 ~Silverstream ah ah ah, hoooold up! 8:09 To Bluetopia (stops) .....Yeeees? 8:09 ~Silverstream

  • stands up and folds arms, …
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~Silverstream ~Silverstream 8 October 2016

Melanie and Jake Meeting

11:38 ~Silverstream Melanie: *sits in gazebo reading a large book, humming quietly to herself* 11:39 To Bluetopia Person: (walks up to gates, tries to push them open, but finds they're locked) ...erm.... (rattles gates) HELLO? THE GATES ARE LOCKED.... 11:42 ~Silverstream Huh? *slowly steps down from gazebo, hiding behind trees and observing the stranger* 11:43 To Bluetopia (scrunches up face) IF NO ONE IS HERE..... SORRY TO HAVE INCONVENIENCED YOU..... (sighs and mumbles under breath) don't talk to no one again, you don't want to be locked up. 11:45 ~Silverstream

  • gradually moves into sight, and stares curiously* .....Hello.

11:46 To Bluetopia (looks over towards her, smiles) Oh. Hello.... erm... whhyyyy are these gates locked? I kind of need…

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~Silverstream ~Silverstream 8 October 2016

Keep Me Company

7:06 ~Silverstream Melanie: *wanders across the outside staircase, singing melodic notes into the evening air* 7:06 To Bluetopia (sound of door to manor creaking open, and two people talking) 7:07 ~Silverstream

  • quiets, and draws closer to listen*

7:07 To Bluetopia Jake: Thank your Mr. Ravenswood.... I'm glad that my expertise will come in to your company Henry Ravenswood: we always need new and talented engineers. May your working relationship with my company be a fruitful one (walks back inside and closes door) Jake: (stands on balcony, smiling slightly, looking ahead at the lights of the town) 7:10 ~Silverstream

  • without thinking, whisper-shouts* YES!

7:11 To Bluetopia (head jilts up quickly) ....erm... (clears throat, secures guitar carrier …

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~Silverstream ~Silverstream 8 October 2016

Elaine and Lucifer

Elaine: *sits straightly on a park bench, staring vacantly in front of her* 3:17 To Bluetopia Person: (sits next to her, looking forward in similar manner, fingers tapping rhythmically on bench armrests) 3:18 ~Silverstream

  • doesn't bother to look* ...would you stop that incessant tapping?

3:19 To Bluetopia It alleviates stress, well according to some mortals with a low attention span.... 3:23 ~Silverstream Well mortals are idio-... *pauses and looks at person* ...oh no. Nope. *stands up and starts to walk away* 3:24 To Bluetopia (stands up, puts hands in pockets and follows her) Well, i see someone hasn't changed in the slightest bit. 3:25 ~Silverstream I don't change for twats like yourself... 3:26 To Bluetopia (walks beside her) Oh that's g…

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~Silverstream ~Silverstream 8 October 2016

More Binary Scenes

4:01 ~Silverstream

  • walks over to Arlan* We did it...

4:02 To Bluetopia Arlan: we did..... have.... have you seen Giran? 4:03 ~Silverstream

  • furrows brow* Not since transport...

4:04 To Bluetopia where's Cyrinity? (looks around) would she know? 4:05 ~Silverstream Well I saw her-... *sighs and folds arms* They are both missing, at the same time. 4:07 To Bluetopia (sighs) seriously, i don't think he has any restraint 4:08 ~Silverstream Oh no, none at all... *bites lip* ...We kissed on a battlefield... 4:10 To Bluetopia well... the moment called for it (smirks and kisses her) 4:11 ~Silverstream

  • chuckles and kisses back* This reminds me of something...

4:12 To Bluetopia ...do i want to know? (smirks) 4:13 ~Silverstream Whether you do or not, I'm telli…

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~Silverstream ~Silverstream 8 October 2016

Arlan's Family

1:20 To Bluetopia Sylo: (watches them for a distance and sits down on transporter) 1:21 ~Silverstream Varik: *sits across from Sylo and looks down at her hands* 1:22 To Bluetopia (sighs and shifts in seat, also looks down) ......Georgi 1:23 ~Silverstream

  • looks up* ...What?

1:23 To Bluetopia (looks up) the name of the village..... i like to know names of places before i visit them.... 1:24 ~Silverstream Oh... I see. 1:24 To Bluetopia .....I'm sorry..... I'm sorry for ignoring you... 1:25 ~Silverstream Why have you been? I am aware of what happened, but... No reason to punish me 1:27 To Bluetopia .....because.... i thought it was.... wrong.... 1:27 ~Silverstream

  • sighs* We have job to do, just forget about it...

1:28 To Bluetopia ...out of memory…

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~Silverstream ~Silverstream 8 October 2016

Meet the Droids

12:34 To Bluetopia (slowly moves head back, blank expression on face) 12:36 ~Silverstream Audree: *suddenly sits up, and blinks in confusion* ...uhh 12:37 To Bluetopia .....sorry... that was far too inappropriate.... 12:39 ~Silverstream Shush... *holds up a finger* I need to think for a moment... 12:40 To Bluetopia (sits back and looks away from her) 12:41 ~Silverstream ...Alright.... I do not know why that happened, but... Never speak of it again, agreed? 12:42 To Bluetopia .....you should go 12:43 ~Silverstream ...Understood *stands up and walks over to door* sorry... 12:44 To Bluetopia (remains silent, doesn't look at her) 12:46 ~Silverstream

  • opens door and sees Cyrinity outside it* I would skip your daily attempt if I were you...


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~Silverstream ~Silverstream 8 October 2016

Grown Zelda and Link

10:36 To Bluetopia Link: (waiting outside of throne room doors in Hyrule castle) 10:39 ~Silverstream Guard: You are waiting to see the Princess, I presume? 10:39 To Bluetopia (nods and smirks slightly) it was on my suggestion you got hired.... your welcome 10:41 ~Silverstream

  • briefly confused expression* May I have a name?

10:41 To Bluetopia Link, Link of Skyloft 10:43 ~Silverstream Oh yes... I have heard your name many a time from the Princess. *opens doors for him* 10:43 To Bluetopia (smiles slightly) good to know.... (steps forwards into throne room) 10:45 ~Silverstream Zelda: *stands up from throne* Link of Skyloft... 10:45 To Bluetopia (nods and smiles widely) Zelda... 10:46 ~Silverstream "Princess", if you do not mind... 10:47 To Bluet…

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~Silverstream ~Silverstream 8 October 2016

Zelda and Link Meeting

4:01 ~Silverstream Zelda: *laying flat on a bed, deeply asleep, with her wrists delicately crossed over her chest* 4:03 To Bluetopia Link: (battered after winning fight, slowly opens door and looks around. Steps into room, closes door behind him and steps towards her) .......H-hello? (steps beside her and looks down, lightly pokes her in shoulder) ....hello? 4:04 ~Silverstream

  • head shifts very slightly, does not react otherwise*

4:06 To Bluetopia (breaths a sigh of relief and begins circling bed) Ahem...... Princess.... your.... your safe.... 4:08 ~Silverstream

  • slowly opens eyes and looks curiously at him* ....Who are you? How have you found me?

4:09 To Bluetopia (walks closer to her side) My name is Link of Skyloft.... and i was tasked to sav…

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~Silverstream ~Silverstream 8 October 2016

Young Zelda and Link

9:04 ~Silverstream Zelda: *The next morning, sleeps leaning against Link* 9:06 To Bluetopia Link: (playing flute-like music on Ocarina http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51GKCs0L83L._SX522_.jpg ) 9:07 ~Silverstream

  • shifts and lifts head up* ...that's lovely...

9:08 To Bluetopia (stops playing) ....good morning.... was i a nice pillow? (smirks slightly) 9:10 ~Silverstream ...you were a little bony *smirks back* 9:10 To Bluetopia ....you snore, you know that right? 9:11 ~Silverstream ....I was unaware 9:11 To Bluetopia i think people were too polite to tell you, Prince- Zelda.... 9:13 ~Silverstream

  • chuckles* Either that, or I do not spend nights with others very often...

9:13 To Bluetopia well, i don't either (laughs awkwardly) 9:16 ~Silverst…

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~Silverstream ~Silverstream 8 October 2016

Rebel Family

9:39 To Bluetopia Kanan: (slowly slips around side of sand-dune and rests back against it, breathing a sigh of relief) 9:41 ~Silverstream Hera: *leaps down from above sand dune, back faced to Kanan - sighs and closes eyes* 9:42 To Bluetopia (slowly backs into her) 9:45 ~Silverstream

  • Lekku whip in surprise, and she turns to him* ...Couldn't take it anymore either, huh?

9:46 To Bluetopia (shakes head and smirks slightly) same with you? 9:47 ~Silverstream

  • nods* I love them dearly, but... Every once in a while I wish they'd just shut up *smirks*

9:48 To Bluetopia preach (folds arms) They're like a herd of squabbling Tusken Raiders 9:49 ~Silverstream So we both came out here for solitude... Ironic 9:49 To Bluetopia well, i know you wont start any f…

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~Silverstream ~Silverstream 8 October 2016

Various Binary Records

4:47 ~Silverstream Thank you... for blasting the door open... *walks in* 4:48 To Bluetopia (follows her into darkness filled room, with pieces of crushed glass and hay on floor. Takes lightstick out of backpack and shines it around) 4:50 ~Silverstream

  • kneels down and picks up a shard of glass and Hay between her fingers* ...can we start a fire?

4:51 To Bluetopia .....the generator might still work.... but a fire might be good for warmth... 4:53 ~Silverstream

  • nods and begins piling hay together - takes two shards of glass and begins scraping them together* ...isn't this supposed to create a spark?

4:55 To Bluetopia there should be a lighter in your backpack (smirks undetectably and walks through archway in back of building to small room) 4:56 ~…

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~Silverstream ~Silverstream 8 October 2016

Kill grave and Skye

Skye: *opens up the back doors of her van, parked out in the alley behind Ruthie's Skillet Diner - hops in and reaches to shut the doors* 8:22 To Bluetopia Kilgrave: (following her) Keep the doors open. 8:23 ~Silverstream

  • keeps door open and looks at him, half-grins* Hey... What's up?

8:23 To Bluetopia (steps up into van interior) Close them. 8:25 ~Silverstream Uh, hi? *shuts doors and frowns* Ok, you were cute from a distance and all... But Gettin' a little on the creepy side... Or, a lot on the creepy side 8:25 To Bluetopia (leans back on wall) Utterly charming. how would you feel if someone talked to you like that? 8:26 ~Silverstream

  • snorts* I've been spoken to in worse ways

8:26 To Bluetopia HOW would you feel? 8:27 ~Silverstream .....kind…

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~Silverstream ~Silverstream 8 October 2016

First Name

To Bluetopia .....are you holding up ok? 9:56 ~Silverstream

  • nods slowly* I admit though... I was scared yesterday

9:57 To Bluetopia why? Erran and his weird game? 9:57 ~Silverstream Yes! Arlan, he was pointing a gun at me! 9:58 To Bluetopia heeee wouldn't have actually done it, and besi-..... when did you start using my first name? 9:58 ~Silverstream

  • shrugs* Every now and then...

9:59 To Bluetopia (snorts) ok Audree 9:59 ~Silverstream

  • raises eyebrow* what's so funny?

10:00 To Bluetopia nothing... its just..... cute 10:01 ~Silverstream ...Ahem, I am not "cute", I am respected... 10:01 To Bluetopia by who? you aren't an imperial anymore. your not above any of us..... except maybe Erran, but who isn't? 10:02 ~Silverstream

  • opens mouth to protest, but…
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~Silverstream ~Silverstream 8 October 2016

Valentine's Day

9:57 ~Silverstream

  • tucks hair behind her ear and smiles* Thank you... H-How's it look?

9:59 To Bluetopia ......Beautiful... it, the uhh, rose i mean.... it compliments your.....Hair 10:02 ~Silverstream

  • face tints red slightly* red and orange-y red.... Very 70's

10:03 To Bluetopia (smiles slightly and looks ahead) .....very you... 10:05 ~Silverstream

  • shifts to where her shoulder brushes his* I wonder how this Valentine's Day thing even got started...

10:06 To Bluetopia .....I'm not a history guy.... Hank might know... 10:07 ~Silverstream Ah it's ok, just a random thought... 10:08 To Bluetopia .....sometimes the answers to questions can be disappointing..... its why sometimes you dont want to ask them in the first place (looks away) 10:08 ~Silvers…

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~Silverstream ~Silverstream 8 October 2016

Ollie and Dessa

Ollie and Dessa 9:52 ~Silverstream Oliver Drummond: *stands at trolley stop, headphones in ears, tapping his foot to the beat* 9:53 To Bluetopia Dess: (slowly stands next to him, face in front, but eyes peering down at his feet) 9:54 ~Silverstream

  • plucks one earbud out* ....Hi?

9:55 To Bluetopia (eyes dart ahead) ....I'm sorry 9:56 ~Silverstream Hey, it's cool... I like these shoes too. *smirks slightly* 9:56 To Bluetopia .....they are pleasant.... yes 9:57 ~Silverstream Youuuu waiting for the ride? 9:57 To Bluetopia ...i don't know, when i see a line, i wait by it... 9:59 ~Silverstream Oh, fair enough... You're wanting to get home though, I assume? 10:00 To Bluetopia Oh that would be wonderful if i had one..... I'm afraid i was just left a…

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~Silverstream ~Silverstream 8 October 2016

Visionarium Reboot

Visionarium Reboot

10:23 ~Silverstream Nina Eileen: *slowly enters the university, anxiously scanning her surroundings. Takes a deep breath and starts walking down a hall* If I were this Professor's office, where would I be... 10:24 To Bluetopia (several students walk past her, after exiting a class) 10:26 ~Silverstream

  • hugs arms close to herself, and leans head into classroom entrance* ...Hi?

10:27 To Bluetopia Person by chalkboard: (looks up at her) Yes? 10:28 ~Silverstream I'm Nina... Nina Eileen? I think I'm supposed to meet someone here... i don't exactly know my way around... 10:28 To Bluetopia (nods) Ah yes Miss Eileen. I was expecting your arrival was any day now

  • would be

10:30 ~Silverstream

  • slowly nods* Yeah, I'm here... Am I supposed t…
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~Silverstream ~Silverstream 8 October 2016

You're Spider-Man

8:31 To Bluetopia ....that..... that I'm naked under these covers? 8:33 ~Silverstream ...Ew, no... *clears throat* When we were at Harry's place studying, and you just took off suddenly, I went outside, and saw a very interesting display... 8:34 To Bluetopia ....umm.... Thanksgiving Day parade? 8:35 ~Silverstream Noooo, no, it was something like... I think the guy called himself the... The Grey Goblin? It was difficult to hear... 8:35 To Bluetopia Green Goblin? 8:36 ~Silverstream

  • sets hands on her hips* ahhh, That was it! How very convenient and helpful that you happen to know that...

8:37 To Bluetopia ....BECAUSE, i was there taking pictures of that happening.... 8:37 ~Silverstream ....Peter... *lowers voice* ...You're Spider-Man.... Aren…

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~Silverstream ~Silverstream 8 October 2016


9:04 ~Silverstream Gwen: *sits on floor in Peter's room with textbook, occasionally glancing at him* 9:05 To Bluetopia Peter: (also reading textbook, slings web to lamp to turn it on) 9:06 ~Silverstream

  • snorts* That's handy...

9:07 To Bluetopia ....well, i finally got it after 5 broken lamps.... 9:08 ~Silverstream Ah, the hazards of trial and error... *Flicks eraser at his head, quickly looking back at her book as if nothing happened* 9:09 To Bluetopia (looks at her, silently shoots web at her hair. smirks) 9:12 ~Silverstream

  • lets out a small squeak, and claws web out of her hair* .....Oh it's on, Parker *crumples up paper and throws it at him*

9:13 To Bluetopia Oh... OH you want to get into a battle? is that what you want Gwendy? 9:14 ~Silver…

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~Silverstream ~Silverstream 8 October 2016

DCE Begins

Death: (standing invisible to everyone except baby, looking over crib in hospital) Hello there. Welcome to the Universe. I notice your not crying, most newbies do. Thank you for not doing that, It really raises my self esteem (grins) Funny how your here. How Destiny put you here at this moment, at this time. Not a bad time at all when you think about it. (looks over to parents) they're so proud of you, even the bloke. I'm not one to make assumptions, but i think things are going to go great for you. Great time, Great place, Great universe you've been placed in, great times ahead. I'll even give my brother a hint so you can have some really sweet dreams. We'll meet again someday. You wont remember me, but i'll never forget you. I never for…

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~Silverstream ~Silverstream 8 October 2016

Any and Daniel

5:50 ~Silverstream Amy: *stands on a fallen log outside, pacing back and forth on top of it* 5:51 To Bluetopia Daniel: (walking through woods a little way off, looking straight ahead not noticing her) 5:54 ~Silverstream

  • hears his movements and spots him. Jumps off log and steps around to follow him from a short distance behind*

5:54 To Bluetopia (sits down, resting back on tree, pulls legs close up to chest and holds them in place) 5:55 ~Silverstream

  • leans against other side of tree, pokes head around* ....Hey

5:56 To Bluetopia (looks up at her, startled expression at first) ....Oh.... Hello... 5:57 ~Silverstream

  • walks around to face him, folds arms* ...I've gotta hand it to you, you are REALLY difficult to get a hold of

5:59 To Bluetopia (scrun…

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~Silverstream ~Silverstream 8 October 2016


Lois: *sits at her desk very focused, typing up article* 11:52 To Bluetopia Clark: (adjusts tie and sits opposite her, clears throat) 11:53 ~Silverstream

  • small smirk* Hello Mr. Kent...

11:54 To Bluetopia ....Miss Lane (adjusts glasses) how is your story coming along? 11:54 ~Silverstream Fine thank you... *keeps eyes on screen* I am in the proverbial zone.... 11:55 To Bluetopia ....care to share? 11:56 ~Silverstream

  • slowly looks at him* ....You'll see in due time *keeps typing*

11:57 To Bluetopia (lowers tone) any criticism? 11:58 ~Silverstream

  • clears throat and gives him a stern warning glare*

11:59 To Bluetopia (stares at her) ....does the title have alliteration? 11:59 ~Silverstream

  • snorts and covers face with hands* Clark....

12:00 To Bluetopia…

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~Silverstream ~Silverstream 8 October 2016

Off the Clock

5:04 To Bluetopia Lex: (exits boardroom, starts walking with skip in step) 5:05 ~Silverstream Mercy: *follows behind, eyeing him* You seem very pleased... 5:05 To Bluetopia Oh i am Mercy, i am.... 5:07 ~Silverstream ((Sorry, would she have been in the meeting, or waiting outside?)) 5:07 To Bluetopia ((latter?)) 5:08 ~Silverstream ((Mhm, just wanted to be sure)) It went well, I take it? 5:08 To Bluetopia (smirks) you could say that 5:09 ~Silverstream ...You have that look on your face 5:10 To Bluetopia .....aaaaand what face might that be? 5:11 ~Silverstream The "I just got away with something and I love it" face... 5:13 To Bluetopia its more a "i just strong-armed a public official into giving me a leg up into accessing government secrets"…

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~Silverstream ~Silverstream 8 October 2016


The Joker: (in cell in Arkham, lying silently on bed, arms folded)

Harleen Quinzel: *quietly walks up to glass, a clipboard in hand* Hello, we're just going to do a quick psychiatric evaluation.

Joker: .....Ha, quick.... now that is a joke

Harleen: *slight smile* However long we need. I'm Doctor Harleen Quinzel, and I'll be the one to... Help you along, in your process

Joker: (looks up at her, smiles) ....Well hellllooooo Doctor (sits up)

Harleen: All your records call you simply, "The Joker". Are there any other names you like to go by?

Joker: well Doctor, you can call me anything by Jerk (laughs)

Harleen: *clears throat* You enjoy finding humor in all situations, don'tcha?

Joker: (shrugs nonchalantly) Well, it certainly helps in such a drab plac…

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~Silverstream ~Silverstream 8 October 2016

One Bad Day

Harleen: *leaning on her motorcycle in parking lot, arms folded*

(pink sports car speeds into parking lot, screeches to halt not far from her)

Harleen: *takes a deep breath and briefly hovers hand over her lower back - slowly makes her way toward car*

Joker: (steps out of car, fluffs silver jacket) My, my, aren't we dressed casually today. Cant say I'm not disappointed that the Harlequin is gone

Harleen: Yes, theatrics are your thing, I get it. *eyes car* you're not subtle in anything you do...

Joker: (scrunches up face) Well, you've changed your tune since last we met

Harleen: *looks back at him* I've been seeing a lot of you, on the news. You've been busy

Joker: all thanks to you, my dear sweet doctor (leans forward) i must truly thank you for …

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~Silverstream ~Silverstream 8 October 2016

Prove Yourself

9:46 ~Silverstream Harley: *sits in passenger's seat, hair purposely laid over herself* So, where we off to now? 9:46 To Bluetopia Joker: (driving car. looking straight ahead at road, smirking silently) 9:48 ~Silverstream

  • twists around around to look straight at him* ....What?

9:48 To Bluetopia Oh, I'm merely.... content with OUR current situation 9:49 ~Silverstream

  • snorts* Ya would be... I'm cold!

9:50 To Bluetopia Ah yes, just as if you were a baby, born into this cold, cruel world..... but the world needn't be cruel anymore 9:50 ~Silverstream

  • sighs wistfully* You have always been so profound....

9:51 To Bluetopia I know.... (looks at her, slides finger down her shoulder) 9:52 ~Silverstream

  • bites lip and half-grins* Mistah J, you're givin' me c…
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~Silverstream ~Silverstream 8 October 2016


9:19 ~Silverstream Melanie: *sits at piano in conservatory, playing a steady, delicate tune, and keeping her eyes glued to her music book* 9:20 To Bluetopia (door creeks open from end of hallway) 9:22 ~Silverstream

  • doesn't notice, and suddenly closes music book, changes tempo to a faster beat, striking out a more intense melody*

9:22 To Bluetopia (sound of slow footsteps draw closer) 9:26 ~Silverstream

  • begins smoothly singing along to it, fingers striking aggressively on piano keys. Stops suddenly, hands visibly shaking, and sighs*

9:27 To Bluetopia Jake: (slowly stands behind her) If its any consolation... it sounded beautiful to me.... 9:28 ~Silverstream

  • gasps and spins around* Jake! ....I didn't realize you were there

9:29 To Bluetopia (wince…

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~Silverstream ~Silverstream 8 October 2016

What Makes You Think I'm Okay

8:45 ~Silverstream Harley: *lays curled up outside bedroom door, wearing red nightgown and pink fuzzy slippers. Fitfully twitches in her sleep, head resting over her hands* 8:46 To Bluetopia (old 1960s pop music drifts lazily out of room, audibly from a record player. Low talking and pacing up and down also audible behind music) 8:49 ~Silverstream

  • stirs awake, murmurs,* ...Puddin'..... *sits up on her knees, placing hands on the door, and listens with wide, hopeful eyes*

8:50 To Bluetopia (sound of glass smashing and laughing) 8:51 ~Silverstream

  • taps on door, voice bright* M-Mistah J?

8:52 To Bluetopia (door swings open, Joker standing there wearing black tuxedo, sombre faced. Tear stains on face visible. Looks at watch on wrist) ...It's five …

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~Silverstream ~Silverstream 8 October 2016

Bud and Lou

3:53 To Bluetopia .....we don't talk about that stuff..... (walks past a few cages and up to bench where Joker is sitting there, reading newspaper) 3:54 ~Silverstream

  • gasps softly upon seeing him, and quickly hides behind Johnny*

3:55 To Bluetopia Joker: (looks up, clears throat) Jonny, leave us and prepare the car.... Jonny: Uhh, sure thing boss (nods at Harley and walks away) 3:56 ~Silverstream

  • stares at Joker silently, mouth slightly agape*

3:57 To Bluetopia Joker: (silently stands up and walks close to her. Collapses to knees and hugs her waist, crying) 4:00 ~Silverstream

  • looks down at him, hands suspended in the air above him* .....you left me... *voice shudders* w-why did you leave me...

4:00 To Bluetopia .....I DONT KNOW..... (looks up at…

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~Silverstream ~Silverstream 8 October 2016

Barbara Gordon Meets Tim Drake

7:53 To Bluetopia ....I am... that i am, Batgirl.... 7:54 ~Silverstream

  • squeezes eyes shut* ....I really hope you came to that conclusion BEFORE you came here

7:55 To Bluetopia

  • snorts* obviously. Look, once you realize that Bruce Wayne is Batman, then finding out the identities of everyone else is really easy....

7:56 ~Silverstream

  • opens eyes, pouting slightly* And how'd you do that? You're uh... Better than most

7:57 To Bluetopia ....ok, first i didn't just find out like that... iiiits complicated.... long story. 7:58 ~Silverstream Uh, right, ok.... *shakes head* Sorry, what was your name again? You kind of threw off my groove here... 7:59 To Bluetopia

  • raises hand* yep, and the name i gave wasn't even accurate. Covering my tracks just in case,…
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~Silverstream ~Silverstream 8 October 2016

Maggie Sawyer Meets Batwoman

  • clutching bag to her side, walks briskly down street*

12:30 To Bluetopia

  • sound of grappling hook shooting, audible*

12:32 ~Silverstream ...The hell *looks toward location of sound* 12:33 To Bluetopia

  • shadowy figure in cape running across building roof on opposite side of street*

12:34 ~Silverstream ....HEY! *runs parallel to person* 12:35 To Bluetopia

  • person looks to side, mask vaguely visible in moonlight*

12:37 ~Silverstream


12:38 To Bluetopia

  • pauses. Aims grappling hook to building next to her. fires it and swings over her head, and onto building roof, out of view*

12:42 ~Silverstream

  • growls and runs across street to a fire escape. Looks at high heels* ...fuck these *kicks them off and ru…
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~Silverstream ~Silverstream 2 September 2016

Mary Jane Watson Introduction

Peter: (sitting back on couch in living room, music blaring from iPod) Yep.... this is the life...... totally alone, listening to music i don't even like...... maybe i should go to a photography internship after all..... 7:24 ~Silverstream (Loud knock on door) HELLOOOO, NEW NEIGHBOR HERE! 7:26 To Bluetopia (sits up, low groans) ......couldn't put this off forever Parker. Just be polite, welcoming, and don't let her within 20 feet of the kitchen (walks to door, clears throat) Hi New Neighbour.... um i don't know if you wanted to see my Aunt, but she's out right now.... so you know, come back when she's here.... or she'll visit you..... or something 7:28 ~Silverstream

  • laughs* You're funny. Come on, let a girl see who she's living next to! I p…
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~Silverstream ~Silverstream 2 September 2016

Binary Finale

Binary Finale

Sylo: (slowly walks to Audree's room door, knocks on it)

Audree: *immediately opens the door, as if she had been waiting right beside it* ...Are we ready?

we're waiting for the order..... but we should go man the guns...

  • nods and shuts door behind her*

(holds out hand to her)

  • takes his hand with a faint smile* We will win this...

....and starting from this point onwards.... I will always be by your side

...I couldn't live if you didn't...

(slowly begins walking) and when this is all over we'll go home....

No more constantly traveling, always having to watch your back... Just Stability and serenity...

Giran: (standing at edge of hallway, salutes the two) good luck guys.... I have full faith in you Sylie, and Audree.... see I do know your…

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~Silverstream ~Silverstream 2 September 2016

Binary Epilogue

Binary Epilogue

Audree: *in the morning, shifts in her sleep, draping an arm over Arlan* 6:32 To Bluetopia Sylo: (already awake, looks over and kisses her forehead) 6:33 ~Silverstream

  • slowly opens eyes and looks at him* ...Morning....

6:33 To Bluetopia (smirks slightly) you know you were talking in your sleep again? 6:34 ~Silverstream

  • groans slightly* What did I say this time?

6:34 To Bluetopia something about a Gundark Rodeo.... any significance? 6:35 ~Silverstream

  • turns over to face away from him and mumbles* Nothing you need to concern yourself with...

6:36 To Bluetopia (nuzzles back of her head) well just saying that makes me concerned 6:38 ~Silverstream

  • snorts slightly* Not quite as concerning as you baring yourself in front of Zeltron in ord…
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~Silverstream ~Silverstream 2 September 2016

Poison Ivy Introduction

skipping down path* La la la la, hm, Hm, hmmm.... GUH *trips in the dark and falls to the ground* 4:58 To Bluetopia (plants around her shift, making area where she came from unrecognizable) 5:00 ~Silverstream

  • scrambles to her feet and looks around* WUZZAT.... Ummm.... North, south, I don't... WHY DIDN'T I PAY ATTENTION IN GEOGRAPHY?!

5:01 To Bluetopia (leaves slowly close in around her) 5:01 ~Silverstream OH GEEZ...... THIS ISNT S'POSTA BE STAR WARS! 5:02 To Bluetopia voice: ....the Green doesn't approve of your violent trespassing 5:02 ~Silverstream WELL THE GREEN CAN KISS MY ASS! *randomly swings bat around* 5:03 To Bluetopia (vine grabs her bat, pulls it into mass of plants) 5:04 ~Silverstream

  • whine-screeches* HEEEEEY, MY PUDDIN' GAVE ME T…
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~Silverstream ~Silverstream 2 September 2016

Scott and Hope Drabbles

8:23 To Bluetopia Scott: (takes a deep breath and knocks on door of Hope's apartment) 8:24 ~Silverstream Hope: *from inside apartment* JUST A MINUTE... *opens door a few minutes later, with wet hair* 8:25 To Bluetopia (scrunches up face) did i just miss a Flashdance tribute in your living room? 8:26 ~Silverstream

  • smirks* No, you just missed me getting dressed from a shower... Nothing thrilling

8:26 To Bluetopia (keeps hands behind back, holding something) It could've been thrilling. (smirks) You could've used a second opinion 8:27 ~Silverstream I'm perfectly capable of dressing myself, thank you... *steps back* Care to come in? 8:29 To Bluetopia uhh sure..... ok first i should get rid of any notions that I've got flowers. I was just pulling …

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~Silverstream ~Silverstream 2 September 2016

Binary Visit

Binary Visit

9:30 ~Silverstream Audree Sylo: *picks up a book from coffee table in her home, and sits down on sofa to read. Shifts positions several times before settling in, and gently lays one hand over her baby bump* 9:31 To Bluetopia Arlan Sylo: (steps through main entrance of house and leans on doorway, smirking) Afternoon Mother Snob 9:33 ~Silverstream

  • looks up at him and smirks back* Good day Father Hooligan.... How are things out there today?

9:33 To Bluetopia I'd answer that, but i don't want to spoil any surprises (walks over and kisses her) 9:34 ~Silverstream Mm, am I going to like this surprise? 9:35 To Bluetopia I'd hope so..... i put in the maximum effort to keep it a surprise..... (sits next to her) Out of sheer curiosity, have…

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~Silverstream ~Silverstream 2 September 2016



Joker: *driving Jokermobile through streets of Gotham, grinning wildly* OH THE CITY, THE LIGHTS, THE PEOPLE..... THE SHEER INTOXICATION... 4:53 ~Silverstream Harley: *arm propped up on car door* WHO NEEDS ALCOHOL WHEN YA GOT THE SCREAMS OF THE PEOPLE RUNNIN' THROUGH THE STREET?! 4:54 To Bluetopia

  • lowers tone* .....watch this *moves car to sidewalk, and speeds up, hitting people in the process*

4:55 ~Silverstream

  • squeals and opens window, sticks head out of it* SEE YA LATER, SUCKERS! GET WELL SOON! *laughs loudly*

4:56 To Bluetopia

  • also sticks head out of window* WE'LL SEND YOU A GET WELL CARD! *hits and runs over fire hydrant, jolting car*

4:58 ~Silverstream

  • squawks in surprise, then grins* I hope ya got insurance...

4:58 To Bluetopia

  • steers b…
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~Silverstream ~Silverstream 2 September 2016

Let's Go Home

Let's Go Home

Harley: *in cage cell, sips last of drink from a teacup, a romance novel clutched in her hand. Gets up and walks to espresso machine, sets cup in place and turns machine on. Taps her foot as she waits* 8:21 To Bluetopia

  • wall to the left of her blows up in explosion*

8:22 ~Silverstream

  • screams in surprise, and backs into corner of her cage*

8:24 To Bluetopia

  • through smoke, men in guard uniforms storm room, shooting the guards already in room. They proceed to open up metal cell doors, then begin sawing at her main cell door*

8:25 ~Silverstream

  • shields herself from flying sparks with her arms*

8:26 To Bluetopia

  • door is broken into, and a man in guard uniform steps into her cell. Removes mask and breaths out deeply*

8:29 ~Silverstream

  • stares…
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~Silverstream ~Silverstream 2 September 2016

Legion Part Two

  • nods* I've seen.... The media is terrified of people like you...

but there aren't many like me..... if you get what i mean...... we aren't all just one race of super freaks.....

So yours is what... Telekinesis?

....i have a lot.....

....Can you tell me more?

...i... i don't remember *stares ahead* ....but they know....

We're running away as much as running to..... Aren't we?

..in a sense.... *sighs* look, you don't need to follow me, i'll just... go on my own.....

....Are you kidding me? Dude, I'm not leaving you.... We had a dance battle, this is official...

your a good person..... *squints at her*.....Eleanor....

  • face turns red, hands fly over her ears as if to block his reading* ....There's a reason I go by Lenny

....do you want to tell me, or sho…

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~Silverstream ~Silverstream 2 September 2016

Legion Part One


Lenny: *walks down hall from her own doctor's appointment, headphones covering one ear*

  • sound of muffled shouting from a nearby room. Door of room slightly opened*
  • pauses and pulls headphones down around neck. Peeks into crack in the door*
  • man strapped to bed, mouth tapped up, but visibly shouting*

....holy shit *opens door further and looks around room for a doctor*

Person: *looks at her. eyes darting for tapped up mouth*

  • walks to his side and pinches tape between her fingers* ....There's no point in lying, this is gonna hurt *rips tape off his mouth*
  • doesn't make any reaction to tape, breathing heavily* .....A-are you real?
  • nods* Last I checked, yeah.... Why the hell are you strapped down like this?

THEY, THEY DID THIS TO ME... *struggles* …

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~Silverstream ~Silverstream 2 September 2016


Spoiler Introduction

Spoiler: *descends down rope from a tall building, having spray-painted the words, "Let the puzzlement fit the crime" across the windows* They HAVE to get it now...

  • Batman and Robin stand on rooftop opposite building*

Tim: *whispers* Should we pursue?

Batman: *nods slowly* You do so..... keep your distance, make sure you know what you're dealing with....

  • spots them and freezes* crapcrapcrapcrap... They're never here this fast *quickly climbs back up to roof*

Robin: *points grapple gun to roof of the building she's climbing and swings towards it, reaching rooftop before she does, unseen*

  • finally reaches rooftop and stands up, looking around*
  • hiding in dark corner by vent, puts voice modulator on to give his voice a lower and da…

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~Silverstream ~Silverstream 2 September 2016

Welcome to the Batfamily

Barbara: *on living room floor in her apartment, doing stretches* Jeez... Those vines are REALLY rough....

  • Her cellphone rings*
  • clears throat and answers phone* Babs speaking....

Alfred: Ah, Miss Gordon. Your presence has been requested at Wayne Manor

....Like, right now?

Immediately would be preferable. There's a matter of business that Master Bruce feels needs to be attended to

Am... Am I in trouble?

This matter relates to all of us. Not you singularly. So I would say not.

Right, ok... I'll be right there

  • hangs up*

Dick Grayson: *waiting in Batcave, texting on phone*

  • walks up to him from elevator* Alfred wasn't kidding when he said this concerned all of us....
  • looks around* But still keeping it vague enough to keep us concerned *walks to hug her the…
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~Silverstream ~Silverstream 27 August 2016

Avatar Archive

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